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At St Germans School our intent in teaching reading is for children to develop a love of books and be able to inhabit the world of a story, building their use of language, and their imagination. We believe that reading is a key tool for life, and teaching children to become excellent readers is part of our daily timetable at St Germans.

From an early age children develop their reading through the teaching of daily, high quality phonic work using the Read Write Inc. scheme of work. Children then progress through graded colour bands, designed so that children experience a breadth of reading materials at their own level.

A well stocked library allows the children free choice to read books of interest on a regular basis.


We have an extremely well stocked library with a range of fiction and non-fiction books for the children to choose from. Each class has a weekly designated library time when the children can browse books for pleasure and select a book to take home to enjoy. Children are not restricted in their choice by ability and may choose books of any level of difficulty to either enjoy by themselves or to share with an adult at home

The Reading Spine

Pie Corbett’s Reading Spine is a core of books that create a living library inside a child’s mind. It is a store of classics and essential reads that help children engage at a deeper level and enter the world of the story.

At St Germans, we want our school to be a place where children are read to, enjoy, discuss and work with high quality books. In each class we have a collection of specially selected high quality books that all children will have the opportunity to read. These books are part of Pie Corbett’s ‘Reading Spine’.